Old Fashion Bathroom Pictures of Santa Clause 5x7

The horror of Mariupol: Putin troops agree 500 hostages in a hospital as human shields while premature babies are abased past their parents - but at least 20,000 civilians have been allowed to flee the besieged city 

20,000 evacuees flee hell of Mariupol in humanitarian corridors but many end up in RUSSIA

Vladimir Putin's troops have seized a hospital in Mariupol and are holding 500 Ukrainians hostage, using them as human shields as attacks on the southern metropolis go on. Russian forces rounded up 400 people from houses neighbouring the seaport's hospital number 2 (inset), forth with 100 doctors and patients who were already inside, and are refusing to let them get out, according to regional governor Pavlo Kyrylenko. The terror came against a backdrop of frantic evacuation elsewhere in Mariupol, with effectually xx,000 fleeing the besieged urban center along a humanitarian corridor (top right) - supposedly safe passages which allow civilians to leave Ukraine. Amongst days of relentless shelling, a mass exodus of civilians in at to the lowest degree 4,000 cars left the seaport via the designated route, which runs west for more 160 miles to the Ukraine-held city of Zaporizhzhia. Nevertheless, many others remarkably concluded up in Russia - later on travelling east via the Kremlin's humanitarian corridor, to the Rostov region (bottom-right). It is unknown how many Ukrainians took this particular route instead. Only while families rushed to escape in their droves, there were desperate scenes in Mariupol's hospitals, which continue to be under attack from Putin'southward forces. In the city's infirmary number three, a heartbreaking pic showed tiny premature children who had been left without parents (main). And in infirmary number two, also known as the intensive intendance hospital (inset), Russian troops are using those within as human shields, Kyryklenko said, calculation: 'It's impossible to go out the hospital, they are shooting hard.'

'I thought Putin was negotiating when he sent troops to the border': Trump admits he was 'surprised' by the invasion of Ukraine and says Russian president is 'very much changed' 

Trump admits he misread Putin and was 'surprised' by the invasion of Ukraine

Donald Trump said during an interview Tuesday that he misread Vladimir Putin's intentions when the Kremlin leader sent troops to the Ukraine border. Trump admitted he believed Putin was trying to 'negotiate' and claims he was 'surprised' when the Russian president really invaded Ukraine. He also said Putin has 'very much inverse' since he was in office and claims Russia wouldn't have invaded if he were still president. Trump has faced criticisms over his human relationship with Putin and virtually recently for failing to criticize him in wake of the invasion. Republican leaders, including Mike Pence and Robert O'Brien, take denounced Putin and said in that location is no room for his sympathizers in the party. Similarly, Democrat President Joe Biden chosen Putin a 'tyrant' and responded to his invasion with responded with diplomatic and economic sanctions,

Zelensky says progress of peace talks is 'realistic' and his team believe deal will be struck with Vladimir Putin 'inside a week or two' considering Russian forces volition run out of troops and supplies every bit he concedes that Ukraine will NEVER join NATO 

Oleksiy Arestovich, one of Volodymyr Zelensky's (left) top aides, said the war would end within one or ii weeks and a peace deal struck when Vladimir Putin'south (summit right) troops run out of resources, but warned that Russian federation could bring in new reinforcements to bolster their attack, which could prolong the conflict farther. The assessment echoes that of Uk defence sources who say that Kyiv has Moscow 'on the run' and the Russian army could exist but two weeks from 'culmination indicate' - after which 'the strength of Ukraine'due south resistance should go greater than Russian federation's attacking force.' Advances across Ukraine have already stopped as Moscow's manpower runs curt (bottom right: Ukrainian soldiers among ruins of destroyed Russian tanks). Arestovich'south upbeat prediction about a armistice deal comes as Zelensky today said that Ukraine must accept it will non become a member of NATO -  a statement that will be music to the ears of Vladimir Putin and could pave the manner for some kind of peace deal between the warring nations. His statement, while making no house commitments, volition be seen as further opening the door to some kind of peace deal betwixt Ukraine and Russia after negotiators (inset) hailed 'substantial' progress at the weekend - without giving any idea what such a bargain would expect like.

Control of investment vehicle linked to Roman Abramovich was quietly transferred to his business partner after the invasion of Ukraine: Complex ownership construction reveals tough task of tracking down the sanctioned oligarch'due south avails 

How control of investment vehicle linked to Abramovich quietly transferred to his business

Buying of an investment company linked to Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich was transferred to i of the 55-yr-old billionaire'due south closest allies the 24-hour interval that Russia invaded Ukraine, according to a report. On Tuesday, it was reported by The Wall Street Journal that Norma Investments Ltd - which has been linked to Abramovich in the by in financial filings in the U.S. and U.K. - was transferred on February 24 to a man described by Forbes every bit Abramovich's 'correct hand man'. David Davidovich, 59, is himself worth an estimated $1.6 billion (£1.2bn). A source close to Davidovich confirmed to The Journal that he had taken control of Norma, but denied that Abramovich was the ultimate possessor. Davidovich'south investment in Norma 'is part of his overall investments and interest in the startup sector,' the person said. Norma'southward interests include investments in US and UK-based renewable energy firms. It as well helped fund cancer too every bit and anti-aging drug inquiry by US-based biotech firm Cleveland BioLabs Inc, according to the WSJ.

Broadway singing autobus, 87, who trained Debbie Harry DIES v days afterward beingness pushed over by adult female in unprovoked attack near subway station in Manhattan's trendy Chelsea neighborhood

A 87-year-sometime Broadway singing omnibus who was placed on life back up after she was shoved to the pavement during an unprovoked assault in Manhattan last week has died, her family says. Barbara Maier Gustern'southward grandson, AJ, posted a photo of himself clutching his grandmother's hand as she lied in a infirmary bed Tuesday morning. 'Today, at 11:15AM, we take lost i of the brightest little flames to always grace this earth,' he wrote from Gustern's Facebook page. 'I ask that y'all all requite me a picayune time and space, simply I want to brand fourth dimension for anyone and everyone who wants to know more about her final moments. 'Bobbob, I love yous, y'all are and always will exist my heart.' Gustern, who once coached Blondie singer Debbie Harry, was pushed from behind in front end of her building at West 28th Street and Eighth Artery in the trendy Chelsea neighborhood at effectually 8.30pm on Thursday (tiptop right). She was on her manner to watch a student perform at Joe's Pub, which she did often, according to the New York Times. Surveillance footage released Sun shows the doubtable leaving the scene towards Ninth Avenue. She is described as a blood-red-haired woman, likely in her 30s, wearing a black jacket, blackness leggings, a white brim and dark colored shoes. Crime in the the five boroughs is up by 45 percent compared to this fourth dimension terminal yr, with robbery up by 43.5 pct and set on up past 17.2 per centum.

BLM activist named 'Bostonian of the year' whose nonprofit raised $1M is charged with squandering much of it on hire arrears, $one,200 hotel stay and meals at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. and Shake Shack afterwards existence arrested at her $450,000 abode

A BLM activist has been charged over a huge fraud which is said to accept included blowing a grant intended for immature men at risk of violence on trips to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. and Milk shake Shack.Monica Cannon-Grant, 41, is also said to accept paid herself $2,700-a-week and treated herself to a $440,000 five-bed house in Taunton, Massachusetts, using much of the $ane million raised by her nonprofit Violence in Boston Inc for good causes. Her salary jumped from $25,000 in 2020 to $170,000 in 2021. Cannon-Grant - once named a Bostonian of the Year by the prestigious Boston Globe newspaper, was arrested last autumn, and appeared in a federal court Monday alongside husband Clark Grant, 38, with the pair facing eighteen divide criminal counts dating from 2017 to July 2021. She has denied all allegations made against her. They are said to have misappropriated grants intended for their clemency, including a $6,000 check given to them by Suffolk District Chaser's office in June 2019, intended to be spent on a retreat for young men feared to be at gamble of falling into criminal offence. Instead, Cannon-Grant and Grant treated themselves to meals at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. and Shake Shack, and a iii dark suspension to Maryland that included a $1,200 hotel stay, it is claimed.

Veterans Diplomacy worker, 31, 'faked being in the Marines and having lung cancer due to burn down pits to scam more than $200,000 to pay for habitation repairs, groceries and physical therapy'

Sarah Jane Cavanaugh, 31, of Warwick, Rhode Island, left, allegedly used her position as a Veterans Affairs social worker to falsify military discharge documents and collect more than $200,000.

Sarah Lawrence sexual activity cult trial is shown distressing videos of sect'due south 'leader' wrestling disturbed young woman to ground and interrogating second stricken adult female who claims she was forced into sex acts

Larry Ray, 60, the Sarah Lawrence College sex cult dad, tin be seen slamming a young woman on the footing then kneeling on her dorsum. Some other video shows him bringing a woman to tears. Santos Rosario, a witness for the prosecution, testified that Ray in one case made him and his sis wear diapers every bit penalization for misbehaving, and another time forced a female person student to perform a sex act on Santos in front of him. Ray, sixty, has pleaded not guilty to 17 counts ,including sexual activity-trafficking, extortion, money laundering, violent criminal offense in aid of racketeering, racketeering conspiracy and forced labor in a bizarre instance that dates back more than than a decade.

'Why don't nosotros just choice our races besides?': Candace Owens blasts The states Today's determination to name Biden's trans health secretary Rachel Levine a woman of the year and says 'it's ridiculous to say a man can be a woman and a woman can be a homo'

Political commentator Candace Owens has blasted USA Today for nominating Biden's transgender Assistant Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine equally a 'adult female of the year'. Dr. Levine is the nation's first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the Senate and was formerly Secretarial assistant of Health for Pennsylvania. Owens said the nomination was 'ridiculous' calling it 'regressive'. In a lengthy rant, Owens said it was some other instance of women beingness 'erased'. 'You cannot pick your race or gender. You lot are born the way you are!' she stressed.

'The First Lady's husband contracted COVID': Biden has to exist corrected afterwards gaffe suggesting HE has tested positive - when he meant to say Kamala'south husband Doug Emhoff 

Second Admirer Doug Emhoff tested positive for coronavirus on Tuesday after spending the afternoon with AmeriCorps at an environmental community service projection in Northeast Washington, D.C. 'Earlier today, the Second Gentleman tested positive for COVID-19,' the White House released in a statement Tuesday evening. 'Out of an abundance of circumspection, the Vice President will not participate in tonight's consequence,' it added, referencing the Equal Pay Day commemoration for Women's History Month at the White Business firm.

'There'due south a special identify in hell for her': Bella Hadid's mother Yolanda is SLAMMED for allowing the model to become a nose job when she was just 14 years sometime 

Bella Hadid's mother Yolanda comes under furious fire for allowing model to get nose job

Bella, now 25,  opened upwardly well-nigh getting the procedure during an interview with Vogue Magazine, and she admitted that she regretted going nether the knife. Many people have bashed the rails star's mom, Yolanda, for letting her teenage girl get corrective surgery. In her Vogue interview, Bella did not annotate on whether her mother was involved in her decision, just said it was prompted by her ain insecurities. However, some Twitter users accused Yolanda, 58, of encouraging her daughter to change her appearance. This isn't the first fourth dimension that the mom-of-3 has faced outrage. Back in 2019, she was criticized for schilling out dieting advice to her immature daughters. In old clips from the Bravo show Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Yolanda told Gigi she had to diet since the manufacture 'likes the girls but a tad on the skinny side'. Elsewhere in the interview, Bella detailed her struggles with trunk image, admitting she always felt 'ugly' and 'uncool' in comparison to sister Gigi.

Horrific moment San Diego woman, 47, is shot dead afterward stabbing a cop with a BUTCHER'S pocketknife when she's served an eviction find

Alarm: GRAPHIC CONTENT. Police force bodycam footage shows San Diego Sheriff'south deputy officeholder Jason Bunch serving 47-year-old Yan Li with an eviction detect at her Acqua Vista apartment before chaos ensued. 'Put the pocketknife down, put the f****** knife dow...Now. Drib the knife. You're going to get shot. If you come at me with that knife, I will shoot y'all. Don't make me this, don't make me shoot you lot,' Bunch warns Li.Li's lifeless body could be seen on video, equally one officer answered he had been stabbed when Bunch asked if anyone was injured. The K-9 unit officer was stabbed in the breast past Li, police said. He was treated at treated at UC San Diego Medical Centre and discharged that same day.

'Concur it the f*** together': Panic-stricken West Pointer is heard shouting at sobbing friend in 911 audio every bit he tells police his cadet pals are passing out later taking fentanyl-laced cocaine and drinking an 'enormous amount'

Start responders arrived to find seven Westward Point Cadets on holiday from New York, overdosing on tainted drugs, two of whom were in critical condition. 'We took some coke and we are not getting some responses correct now,' the anonymous caller said. Law say four of the cadets took the drug and went into cardiac arrest, and the other ii became exposed to it while performing mouth-to-mouth on their friends. A 7th individual was later taken to the hospital and treated, yet it is unclear if she also overdosed. Wilton Manors police arrested a suspect in connexion to the grouping of spring breakers who overdosed on cocaine laced with fentanyl Thursday dark.Paramedics who responded to the scene at a vacation home used opioid-overdose-reversing drug naloxone - also known every bit Narcan - on the patients.

Bob Saget is grin and uninjured in haunting last photo equally he poses with valet exterior his Florida hotel in selfie taken hours before he was found expressionless in his room from traumatic head injury

Bob Saget is seen healthy and uninjured in selfie with valet hours before his death

Radiating his trademark warmth and modesty, this is the exclusive concluding photo of 'America's dad' Bob Saget - taken minutes earlier he retired to his Florida hotel suite and died in a freak fall. Revealed for the first time by DailyMail.com, Full Business firm fable Saget appears uninjured and in perfect wellness in the haunting selfie taken by a valet who parked his rental car at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Chiliad Lakes. Cops used the epitome to determine that the 65-yr-old actor suffered fatal head injuries after he arrived at the glitzy golf resort in the early hours of January 9 - and not earlier. 'The photo is a clear shot of Mr. Saget's face with his glasses on. At that place is no bear witness of injury or of the bruising near his left eye that was axiomatic post-mortem,' detectives say in a terminal written report released Tuesday that concludes his death was a tragic accident. Saget had driven himself back from a stand-upwardly gig two hours away in Jacksonville earlier handing over the keys to his Chevrolet Impala and walking into the Ritz-Carlton at 2:13am. The begetter-of-three was then seen on CCTV walking 'purposely across the foyer' earlier entering his room at two:17am. When he failed to check out later that day security allow themselves into his plush suite at iii:53pm and institute Saget slumped dead in his bed with swelling and pocket-size bruises in the corner of his left eye.

'He told me to shut the f**thousand upwards b*tch': Dramatic moment NY cheerleader storms off basketball court during game after player on rival team 'hurled foul slurs at her'

A New York state college cheerleader was seen storming off a basketball courtroom during a NCAA game after an opposing team's player, said to be Jordan Nesbitt (correct) allegedly yelled 'disgusting slurs' at her, telling her to 'shut the f**yard upwards b*crawling'. A dramatic moment of the incident's footage shows the cheerleader walking away from St Louis fans, who were allegedly taunting her. While another woman, believed to be Koning'south coach, was seen talking to what appears to be a security guard on the courtroom. It'due south unclear what was exchanged during the estrus of the moment, due to the racket inside the stadium. Later on the 57-56 victory for St Louis, Koning went on Twitter to answer to the clip shared past a SportsBlogs Nation (SB Nation) affiliated account, called Mid-Major Madness, confirming that a Billikens player hurled foul slurs at her. 'This was after he looked me dead in the optics, an innocent cheerleader, and told me to 'shut the f**thou up, b**ch' embarrassing,' Koning's reply read. Nesbitt, who is currently average 8.2 points this season on a 39.5 percentage field goal percent, has not faced whatsoever sort of penalty.


'Vile' CNN and New Yorker writer is criticized for sarcastically tweeting 'what a tragedy' over death of veteran Trick cameraman in Ukraine and attacking him because he 'worked for a pro Putin propagandist' network

CNN analyst excoriated for using Fox cameraman's death in Ukraine to attack Fox News

Speaking to DailyMail.com Tuesday, a Fox insider slammed Susan Glasser (at legt) for comments regarding the death of Fox cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski (at right), who was killed Monday while covering the invasion of Ukraine for the network. 'She's a vile man existence without a shred of decency, and a colossal embarrassment to the New Yorker and CNN on a tragic mean solar day,' the source said of Glasser'south post, which a swarm of others on social media similarly deemed inappropriate and ill-timed. The CNN and New Yorker staff writer Tweeted Tuesday: 'What a tragedy. A cameraman died covering the war for a TV network that arrogance a pro-Putin propagandist every bit its top-rated primetime host,' referring to Fox talking head Tucker Carlson.

'Game over, Russian invaders!': Drone captures moment 1 of Putin'due south heavy tanks is diddled sky-high by delighted Ukrainian soldiers 

Footage shared by the Ukrainian Ministry building of Defence shows the moment a lonely Russian tank is destroyed by Ukrainian soldiers as the war enters its twentieth twenty-four hour period. Footage was shared by Ukraine's Ministry of Defence with the bulletin 'game over Russian invaders!' The clip appears to show a alone Russian tank explode into a fireball after either beingness hit by an anti-tank missile or coming into contact with a mine.

Russian state TV demands America 'returns' Alaska and California's Fort Ross to Russia, threatens NUCLEAR strike on U.s.a. in response to sanctions, and calls for public hangings in Ukraine 

A Russian lawmaker and the Kremlin's 'spin doctor' Oleg Matveychev (inset) shared a listing of demands for both Washington and Kyiv 'after Ukraine's demilitarization is completed.' Moscow'due south Tv set pundits and show hosts take also begun endorsing the idea of publicly hanging Ukrainians who are standing against Russia -- something the Kremlin has reportedly already mulled, according to Bloomberg. Information technology comes equally Russian and Ukrainian officials meet for some other round of peace talks Tuesday. In response to the west's vast economic occludent, Russia's Foreign Ministry on Tuesday announced sanctions against 11 people linked to United states of america leadership including President Joe Biden.

Moment Texas middle school student hurls CHAIR at substitute teacher, 73, leaving blood pouring from face of the man who throws two chairs back at unruly teenager

Larry Brumfield (inset), 73, who is a substitute teacher at DeSoto West Middle School, suffered a bloodied face last week afterward he was hit by a chair (left), earlier throwing ii back at a student attacking him. 'Damn!' 1 student yelled in shock after Brumfield felt the hitting, the video shows. Brumfield's head injury (right) was treated by paramedics at the schoolhouse. The substitute teacher later said that the fight broke out later the teen perpetrator refused to exit his classroom. He added that the student wasn't even enrolled in his class.

New Jersey father, 29, is charged with killing his 6-yr-old son after he 'forced the male child to run on a treadmill to lose weight and he repeatedly fell off'

Dad charged with murder of son he 'forced to run on a treadmill' and died after repeatedly

A 29-year-sometime New Jersey begetter is facing murder charges in the death of his six-year-old son who died of 'blunt strength trauma' after years of abuse, including falling repeatedly off a treadmill on which his dad forced him to run to lose weight. Gregor was initially charged with endangering the welfare of a child in Corey'southward expiry, only was arrested last Wednesday and had his charges upgraded to murder following an good witness's review of the instance.

'Doctors gave me the most horrifying, unexpected news': How Kelis'south husband Mike Mora documented his stomach cancer battle in center-wrenching Instagram posts before his death age 37

Kelis's husband Mike Mora documented stomach cancer battle before his death age 37

Vocaliser Kelis'south hubby Mike Mora documented his stomach cancer battle on social media in the months before his expiry, anile 37.Last September Mora, husband of 42-year-old singer Kelis, revealed he had cancer and had been diagnosed a year earlier - at which time doctors had given him merely eighteen months left to live. In a series of raw posts, the photographer shared his fear of dying and said he never thought this could happen to him.

Kourtney Kardashian, 42, reveals IVF medication 'put her into menopause' and caused weight proceeds as she shares her fertility struggle amid dream of having a babe with Travis Barker

Kourtney Kardashian, 42, reveals IVF medication caused menopause and weight gain

Kourtney Kardashian has revealed in a new teaser trailer for her upcoming series The Kardashians that her attempts to conceive with in vitro fertilization (IVF)  put her into menopause. The 42-year-one-time reality star admitted in the since-deleted teaser that she had also struggled with weight gain - which was mocked by some social media users - due to the fertility treatments. The Poosh founder besides made it clear in the clip that she hopes to have some other child with Travis.

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