Upper Class Women's Fashion From 1558-1608 Lower Class Men's Fashion From 1558-1608

Elizabethan Fashion for Men

Clothing From Elizabethan Times

In that location were distinct fashions during the Elizabethan era for men as well as some restrictions regarding what they wore. Find out how men's clothing styles were defined, what the mutual garments consisted of, and how they inverse during this unique time menstruation.

Overview of Elizabethan Fashion

The Elizabethan period covers the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. She ruled England during 1558 to 1603. This flow is often considered a renaissance in England, in both literature, fine art, and fifty-fifty political expansion. During this time, the Protestant Exploration occurred and besides expansion or exploration abroad. While England flourished during the second half of the sixteenth century, fashion remained strict for both men and women. For the men of Elizabethan England there were certain rules of what to wear, how to wear it, and the mode one should look around women.

The fashions of the era changed significantly while Queen Elizabeth was in power. While women are most remembered for their apparel in this time, their clothing often mimicked the look of men. For example, the ruff (cervix frills) was worn by both genders and became more and more than ornate as the menstruation progressed.


Falconer George Turberville

Dissimilar today, the corporeality of clothing a man was required to clothing included several layers. The following pieces were all underclothes a homo would vesture daily.

Stockings or Hose

Worn similarly to modern-24-hour interval tights, stockings or hose were footed and pulled upwards to around the waist. Hose or stockings did not have a closed crotch, then codpieces were invented. Stockings or hose were always worn by a man, whether he was wearing breeches or non.

As codpieces went out of fashion, men switched to stockings reaching just over the knee. Knees did non show betwixt the breeches and knees.


Worn over hose, the codpiece would cover the genitalia. This was especially essential for men wearing shorter doublets and no breeches! Information technology would conceal the opening in a man's tights. Codpieces ofttimes were made larger than necessary and used as pockets.

By the year of 1570, codpieces were going out of fashion. Prior to this, men would take codpieces. Afterwards, button fly closures became popular on breeches (listed under overclothes). Men would simply always wearable breeches over their hose. Past the end of Elizabeth'due south reign, the codpiece essentially disappeared.


During this time period, shirts were fabricated of simple rectangles and, of course, paw-sewn. In general a shirt "was fitted closely to the body and arms, with gussets under the artillery to allow movement," co-ordinate to St. George North, an Elizabethan England Interim Guild. In the lower form, shirts were made of white or naturally colored linen. In the middle class, shirts were made of fine white linen and worn with a starched ruff. Fifty-fifty eye class men did not have dyed shirts, although they may have black embroidery on their shirts.


These are the pieces of article of clothing a man would vesture over his underclothes.


The doublet was a fitted jacket worn over a shirt by men in the Elizabethan times. It typically was boned, padded, and included buttons downwards the front end. The styles included varied amounts of padding, restricting boning, or buttons on different sides of the jacket. The shoulders were emphasized with padding. Also, doublets were designed to give a man the impression of a pocket-sized waist (to brand the waist look fifty-fifty smaller, they sometimes wore girdles).

Buttons were made from woods all the way to expensive gems. Every bit a matter of modesty, a man should always article of clothing a doublet and shirt at all times.


English philosopher

Breeches worn by a man were to exist worn effectually the natural waist (no thing his form). If wearing a doublet, the trousers would be suspended from the doublet past tying holes on a band inside the doublet. The most ordinarily worn options were breeches worn at the human knee, but below the knee joint, or mid-calf. These are non underwear, these are capri way pants.

Sometimes, men wore breeches made of finer wools than the lower classes and would also sport finer colors. A man in the heart class might wear pants pleated at the waist and gathered.

Expensive breeches were made of silk, stain, velvet, leather, and even fragile silks. Flair was added to breeches with vertical slashes down the leg and pops of colour exposed or strips of fabric in lining colors.


These are the frill at the cervix of the shirt, gathered at the cervix ring. Ruffs were worn by both males and females. Typically men and women of all ages, and from every class, had ruffs. These typically did not accept embroidery and covered the neck at minimum. Ruffs could besides exist added to the wrists every bit well. Sometimes a ruff was attached to a shirt but not always.


It was standard for men to wear hats in Elizabethan England when outdoors. Flat caps, woven straw hats, shaped felt hats, knit caps, and biggins are all acceptable. A lower class man wore flat caps, a shaped wool alpine hat, and even a harbinger hat. These styles reflected a man's trade, that a hat was necessary for their outdoor work. Middle class and upper form men wore flat caps, Italian bonnets, or blocked felt tall hats. Middle course men would decorate hats with a few brusque feathers.

Outer Garments

English nobleman

Before leaving their homes or going to work, Elizabethan men couldn't get anywhere without their coats and shoes.


This a sleeveless doublet or jacket worn over a regular doublet. Depending on the class of its wearer, you'd see wool or leather jerkins. Jerkins could be styled with buttons, collars, or fifty-fifty decorative slashes.

Cloaks, Capes, and Coats

Coats were often loose in style but like they are worn today. Men wore leather because of its ability to withstand rain and bad weather. Higher class men added velvet accents on panels to their coats. Just like now, coats came in tight fitting, loose, long and short styles. Whether a human being had buttons down the side of his coat or the front of his coat, the value of information technology was obvious based on fabric and accents similar fur collars or trim.


Lower class men wore unproblematic slip-on shoes which were easy to make and get fixed by the local cobbler. Boots for outdoor work fit shut to the legs, went up to higher up the knee, and had small buckles. Typically shoes were fabricated of leather equally this lasted for a longer period. The toe tended to be rounded.

Clothing as Status Symbols

Article of clothing quality and decorations could easily show a human's class. Material fabricated of certain colors, with gold or silverish, fabricated of satin, or including furs indicated a person could afford such wearing apparel. The upper class was the but one with access to velvets, satin, furs, cottons, taffeta, lace, and other 'rare' fabrics. Rich and vivid colors often cost a considerable amount for dyeing and importation.

Sir Walter Raleigh

In 1574, Queen Elizabeth issued proclamations well-nigh clothing immune according to social rank. The rules were comprehensive and very specific. Some examples of information released in the queen's proclamations include:

  • The eldest son of a knight was allowed to wear velvet doublets and hose, younger brothers could not.
  • No one below the rank of knight could habiliment silk long stockings or velvet undergarments.
  • Gold was merely allowed to be worn by barons and others of college ranking.

Violation of these laws carried penalties like fines, loss of property, or even loss of title.

Wearable to Reflect Occupation and Personality

Bated from reflecting status symbol, wearable also reflected occupation. In the proclamations issued by the Queen, clothing also shows occupation. Cutting, color, and fit of article of clothing could hands reflect a person's occupation or station in life. While at that place were certain pieces of article of clothing required for trades, like aprons or work belts, generally a man in Elizabethan times wore multiple layers of overclothes and underclothes.

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